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Algumas das medidas do novo estado de emergência, que inclui os dois feriados (1 e 8 dez.):

  • Proibição de circulação na via pública entre as 23h e as 5h irá ser mantida, bem como entre as 13h e as 5h aos fins de semana e nos feriados.
  • Circulação entre concelhos proibida entre as 23h de 27 nov. e as 5h de 2 dez., e entre as 23h de 4 dez. e as 5h de 9 dez..
  • Nas vésperas de feriado (30 nov. e 7 dez.), encerramento dos estabelecimentos comerciais a partir das 15h; suspensão das atividades letivas; e tolerância de ponte à administração pública.
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Nos últimos dias o Japão ultrapassou novos recordes de infecções (+- 2000 casos por dia) sendo que as cidades de Sapporo e Osaka estão a ter mais casos, o governo japonês anunciou que iria excluir as cidades da sua campanha de turismo de emergência. O país conta agora com 133 mil casos.

Foram anunciados os resultados das vacinas da AstraZeneca (estimado em 90%) e Sputnik-V (estimado em 95%). A da Sputnik-V, apesar da eficácia, tem sido fortemente criticado pelos cientistas em todo o mundo dado o seu processo.

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há 2 minutos, André disse:

Graça Freitas infetada com covid-19. :clown:

Daqui a 15 dias, já pode ir ao Dia de Cristina contar como foi. :cryhappy: 

Cristina: "O que sentiu no momento em que percebeu que a Ministra da Saúde estava infetada com Covid-19? :blue:"

Editado por dav01
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Calendário dos debates das presidênciais


2 de janeiro, sábado

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa - Marisa Matias (RTP1)

João Ferreira - André Ventura (TVI24)

3 de janeiro, domingo

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa - Tiago Mayan (RTP1)

4 janeiro, segunda-feira

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa - João Ferreira (TVI)

Marisa Matias - Ana Gomes (SIC-Noticias)

5 de janeiro, terça-feira

João Ferreira - Ana Gomes (RTP1)

André Ventura - Tiago Mayan (SIC-Notícias)

6 de janeiro, quarta-feira

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa - André Ventura (SIC)

João Ferreira - Tiago Mayan (TVI24)

7 de janeiro, quinta-feira

Marisa Matias - André Ventura (SIC)

Ana Gomes - Tiago Mayan (TVI24)

8 de janeiro, sexta-feira

Ana Gomes - André Ventura (TVI)

Marisa Matias - João Ferreira (RTP1)

9 de janeiro, sábado

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa - Ana Gomes (RTP1)

Marisa Matias - Tiago Mayan (SIC-Notícias)

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Esta semana o Japão ultrapassou um novo recorde de casos, ultrapassando 3200.

O governo quer suspender a campanha Go To Travel para manter o turismo doméstico, porque as infecções aumentaram noutras grandes cidades como Hiroshima.

Actualmente Portugal tem praticamente o dobro dos casos que o Japão.

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Covid: Belgium and Netherlands ban flights from UK over variant

A number of European countries have or are considering banning travel from the UK to prevent the spread of a more infectious variant of coronavirus.

Both the Netherlands and Belgium have suspended flights. Trains to Belgium have also been banned.

Italy's foreign minister has indicated his government plans to ban flights. France and Germany are reportedly planning similar action.

The new variant has spread fast in London and south-East England.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday introduced a new tier four level of restrictions, scrapping a planned relaxation of rules over the Christmas period for millions of people.

Top health officials said that there was no evidence the new variant was more deadly, or would react differently to vaccines, but it was proving to be up to 70% more transmissible.

The WHO says the same mutation has also been detected in the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia.

Within hours of the UK announcement, the Netherlands said it would ban all passenger flights from the UK from 06:00 (05:00 GMT) on Sunday until 1 January.

Pending "greater clarity" on the situation in the UK, the Dutch government said that further "risk of the new virus strain being introduced to the Netherlands should be minimised as much as possible".

It also said it would work with other European Union member states in the coming days to "explore the scope for further limiting the risk of the new strain of the virus being brought over from the UK".

Belgium is suspending flights and train arrivals from the UK from midnight (23:00 GMT) Sunday. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo told Belgian television channel VRT the ban would be in place for at least 24 hours and "is a precautionary measure", adding "we will see later if we need additional measures".

Meanwhile, Italy's Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said on his Facebook page that the government was about to sign a measure to suspend flights from the UK.

In Germany, a health ministry official told AFP news agency that the government was also considering banning flights from the UK, and South Africa, where the variant has also been detected.

The official said the German government was monitoring developments in the UK and working at "high pressure" to evaluate the new information and data regarding the new variant.

The French news channel BFMTV reported that France too was "seriously" considering suspending flights and trains from the UK, and the government was "looking for European coordination".

"A decision will be announced during the day," the channel said.


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Nova estirpe de coronavírus. Países europeus fecham fronteiras com o Reino Unido, Portugal ainda não

Vários países europeus anunciaram, este domingo, que vão suspender os voos oriundos do Reino Unido devido à identificação de uma nova estirpe de coronavírus. Portugal está a acompanhar “com atenção” a evolução da situação epidemiológica em Inglaterra, mas ainda não decidiu qualquer alteração às restrições previamente impostas.


Editado por D91
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