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yeahhhh :D Façam o vosso aqui: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/whats-your-patronus :P


What’s Your Patronus?
  1. You got: A Phoenix
    You’re incredibly wise and intelligent, and have great instincts. You often choose your path based on what feels right, and people look to you for answers. Your Patronus takes form of a phoenix, the same as Albus Dumbledore. Even though you’re a leader and full of knowledge, remember to pursue power with caution; it is your greatest weakness.
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yeahhhh :D Façam o vosso aqui: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/whats-your-patronus :P


What’s Your Patronus?
  1. You got: A Phoenix
    You’re incredibly wise and intelligent, and have great instincts. You often choose your path based on what feels right, and people look to you for answers. Your Patronus takes form of a phoenix, the same as Albus Dumbledore. Even though you’re a leader and full of knowledge, remember to pursue power with caution; it is your greatest weakness.


What’s Your Patronus?
  1. You got: A Horse
    You’re loyal, smart, and willing to take risks for the sake of your friends and family. Your Patronus takes the form of a Horse, the same as Ginny Weasley. You’re an underrated badass and enemies should be cautious of your hexing skills.
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You got: A Horse

You’re loyal, smart, and willing to take risks for the sake of your friends and family. Your Patronus takes the form of a Horse, the same as Ginny Weasley. You’re an underrated badass and enemies should be cautious of your hexing skills.




Já tinha feito à uns anos um coisa destes e saiu-me uma corsa.  :P Desta vez foi um cavalo.  :D

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yeahhhh :D Façam o vosso aqui: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/whats-your-patronus :P


What’s Your Patronus?
  1. You got: A Phoenix
    You’re incredibly wise and intelligent, and have great instincts. You often choose your path based on what feels right, and people look to you for answers. Your Patronus takes form of a phoenix, the same as Albus Dumbledore. Even though you’re a leader and full of knowledge, remember to pursue power with caution; it is your greatest weakness.



"You got: A Stag




You’re brave and fearless, and your greatest asset is your ability to love (even in the darkest of times). Sometimes you get a bit hot-headed and impatient, but your friends are your source of peace, getting you through the good and bad. Your Patronus takes the form of a stag, the same as Harry Potter. In other words, you are The Chosen One."




Also, reparei numa cena: em Harry Potter e a Câmara dos Segredos o Dumbledore tem uma fénix nos seus aposentos. :huh: A fénix que vai em auxílio do Harry e lhe concede a Espada de Gryffindor, para matar o basilisco. :O

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What’s Your Patronus?

  1. You got: A Hare
    People sometimes think you’re a bit of an oddball, but your eccentricity and honesty are what others love most about you. You’re intelligent, an animal lover, and curious about the world around you. Your Patronus takes the form of a hare, the same as Luna Lovegood. Now go back to reading this month’s Quibbler, I heard there’s a thrilling piece in there about the Crumple-Horned Snorkack.

gosto :D

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  1. You got: A Stag
    You’re brave and fearless, and your greatest asset is your ability to love (even in the darkest of times). Sometimes you get a bit hot-headed and impatient, but your friends are your source of peace, getting you through the good and bad. Your Patronus takes the form of a stag, the same as Harry Potter. In other words, you are The Chosen One.

sempre soube.

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  1. You got: A Stag
    You’re brave and fearless, and your greatest asset is your ability to love (even in the darkest of times). Sometimes you get a bit hot-headed and impatient, but your friends are your source of peace, getting you through the good and bad. Your Patronus takes the form of a stag, the same as Harry Potter. In other words, you are The Chosen One.

sempre soube.



Copião. :sleep::haha:




Olhem o que encontrei no Tumblr:




aww *-*

Editado por Ricardo Baptista
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What’s Your Patronus?

  1. You got: A Doe
    You had a dark side to you that people too often remember, but deep down, you’re actually a courageous, loving person. You like to wear the color black and have no problem telling it like it is. Your Patronus takes the form of a doe, like Severus Snape, which mirrors his love for Lily Evans. “After all this time?” “Always.”


Pensava que me ia sair a Phoenix :rolleyes:

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You got: A Stag
You’re brave and fearless, and your greatest asset is your ability to love (even in the darkest of times). Sometimes you get a bit hot-headed and impatient, but your friends are your source of peace, getting you through the good and bad. Your Patronus takes the form of a stag, the same as Harry Potter. In other words, you are The Chosen One.


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What’s Your Patronus?

  1. You got: A Doe
    You had a dark side to you that people too often remember, but deep down, you’re actually a courageous, loving person. You like to wear the color black and have no problem telling it like it is. Your Patronus takes the form of a doe, like Severus Snape, which mirrors his love for Lily Evans. “After all this time?” “Always.”


Pensava que me ia sair a Phoenix :rolleyes:


Vai mas é ao fb. -.-

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Porquê? Passa-se alguma coisa...? :rolleyes:


Não sei, diz-me tu. :rolleyes:


sinceramente preferia não ter cornos ):


Ao menos ele acabou com o Voldzito. :v

Tanto Harry Potter  :rolleyes:  Eu ao menos sou logo o Albus, o maior feiticeiro de sempre  :cool:


Oh huh uh, não foi ele que derrotou o feio das cobras. :cool:

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