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Your mind is


You have a vivid imagination, which you love sharing with others. You're easy to make laugh and quick to make others laugh.




O mesmo :P


Your celebrity boyfriend is...


This smoldering heartthrob may not actually be a vampire, but he looks like one. He’s a thoughtful actor and an up-and-coming musician with a reputation as a real gentleman, the kind of guy who’s looking for someone to settle down with. Could that someone be you?


British accent  :smoke:  :giveheart:

Editado por Fofusco
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Your mind is


You have a vivid imagination, which you love sharing with others. You're easy to make laugh and quick to make others laugh.




Your mind is


You are reserved, preferring to watch from the corner. Your observance has taught you much though, and friends often look to you for advice.


Não podia concordar mais :haha:

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O mesmo :P


Your celebrity boyfriend is...


This smoldering heartthrob may not actually be a vampire, but he looks like one. He’s a thoughtful actor and an up-and-coming musician with a reputation as a real gentleman, the kind of guy who’s looking for someone to settle down with. Could that someone be you?


British accent  :smoke:  :giveheart:

Importa-se de meter o link para esse quizz maravilhoso? :rolleyes: 

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O mesmo :P


Your celebrity boyfriend is...


This smoldering heartthrob may not actually be a vampire, but he looks like one. He’s a thoughtful actor and an up-and-coming musician with a reputation as a real gentleman, the kind of guy who’s looking for someone to settle down with. Could that someone be you?


British accent  :smoke:  :giveheart:

:mosking:  Gosto  :blush:

Your celebrity boyfriend is...


Long considered one of the sexiest men alive, this guy’s actually become a real family man. Not just a pretty face, he’s also a talented actor.

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O mesmo :P


Your celebrity boyfriend is...


This smoldering heartthrob may not actually be a vampire, but he looks like one. He’s a thoughtful actor and an up-and-coming musician with a reputation as a real gentleman, the kind of guy who’s looking for someone to settle down with. Could that someone be you?


British accent  :smoke:  :giveheart:

Calhou-me o mesmo também :rolleyes::haha:

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Your mind is...


(sem imagem) *morri*  :banghead:


Descrição: You have one goal at a time, and will do whatever you have to do to achieve that goal. While you would love to take others with you on your journey, you often find that they slow you down. Just remember that's not always a bad thing.


Alguém sabe a que

mind type esta descrição pertence?





Which Superhero Are You?


You are most like...




The man with the plan. You've been gathering and training gifted individuals for years, trying to make sure they are able and willing to stand up on the side of good. You are not just the leader of the team, however, but a real powerhouse in your own right.

Editado por Buwayh
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